Louis Stift
You can read the mistake
For a change some boards which went wrong.
How do you play the next game? 
Louis Stift
A different approach
Boards from last Monday 28-03-2005, pairs at Atomic. 
Louis Stift
Defend well
Boards from Moday 21-03-2005, pairs at Atomic. 
Louis Stift
An easy game
A simple board.
 -Lead, so no losers in this suit. In the red suits 2 losers. So only 2  -losers are allowed.Try trick1:  10. 
Louis Stift
The bidding goes on
The contract is a little high. Let us assume that  J drops. Most people lead small is encouraging, strange in the suit bid by West. You’ll have to decide who has  Q, the  are divided 3-2. 
Louis Stift
Still reached the top
Boards from last Friday 11-03-2005, teams at Atomic. 
Louis Stift
Special element
Monday, 7-3-2005, pairs at Atomic with sorted hands. 
Louis Stift
Boards from C.N.Butler
Friday 26-2 till Sunday 28-2 butler with sorted boards.You had to bid game, every finesse did work out fine.When we saw this pattern, we reached the B-final. 
Louis Stift
The Slams
Boards from the duplicated pairs Atomic 21-02-2005. Is this a chance to be ignored? At our table the declarer went for it, and scored minus 1 ... 
Louis Stift
Special Plays
A few boards from teams Atomic from last Friday, 18-02-2005...In teams you have to avoid a disaster. To overcall has to be on a healthy suit... 
Louis Stift
Good to play trump
Monday, pairs at Atomic date 14-02-2005.
If the opponents take out, or they are too high, it is often good to play trump.
Tricks will come from trumps.
2 of these boards: 
Louis Stift
Story of 2 boards teams Atomic from 11-02-2005. It’s important that you can reach your partner. Declarer to dummy and the defenders each other. From both an example ... 
Louis Stift
The evening of the bare Kings
Duplicate at 07-02-2005.
Difficult boards, sorted out. It was the evening of the bare Kings, on 4 out of 22 we had to play, and when you count the 2 we had no opponents, 5 out of 24. Too much to call this an ... 
Louis Stift
Don’t be afraid to bid game
Report from 4 boards we played last Friday, teams, at Atomic 4-02-2005.
Theme: Fat scores in bidding the game, although little chances (part 2).
The three matches were played 8 boards a match. 
Louis Stift
Make up which play declarer is going to
Boards from Monday, pairs at Atomic 31-01-2005.Truus was busy, busy, busy with her work, so I had the pleasure of playing with ... 
Louis Stift
Fat scores in bidding the game
When you can´t go out, because of the snow, here is something to read.The story of 3 boards in the team-match at Atomic from last Friday, 28-01-2005.
Theme: Fat scores in bidding the game, although little chances.In teams the premium of bidding game scores. It is the difference with the other table(s) that counts. Even if the percentages of making the contract are below 50.To illustrate this theme ...

Louis Stift
Defending, you do it together
1 time a month there are pre-shuffled boards. And on the sheets is the comment how the board was supposed to be bid and played.
If you want to learn something about bridge wilt leren, and you have no books, this is an excellent way. First you play the boards, and then you study the sheets afterwards. 
Louis Stift
Theme in teams
I am working on Bridge20.doc so this is bridge21.doc.
Report from two boards in the teams competition from Atomic 21-01-2005.
We now also play on Friday to practice this kind of game. 
Louis Stift
Bridge is to count
The story of 2 boards pairs Atomic 17-01-2005.
Theme of this week: Bridge is to count, count and again count.
Het eerste spel ... 
Louis Stift
Try to avoid the mistakes
The second evening pairs at Atomic.
Again a lot of exciting games.
Have fun in reading them!

Louis Stift
Surprising moments
There has been a period without bridgestories, because we were one week to Rome.
But here’s again the first pairs from Atomic.
This year promises to be one of ... 
Louis Stift
What do you lead
Again two boards from monday ... 
Louis Stift
I won’t do it again
Since I wrote an artikel about double in pairs, for the magic 200, we were doubled yesterday 6 times. That’s 25% of all boards. And because from these 24 we played 12 ourselves 50% of our contracts. These 6 contracts had to go down all, but in 5 of the 6 cases ... 
Louis Stift
Tournament of Brasov (2)
Heat 2 delivered interesting boards. 
Louis Stift
Tournament of Brasov (1)
I started well by subscribing as the number first. In the evening we were confronted that we were at table 14 EW, this was the last group, last number. We started with sitting still because we had no opponents. This is not the way the organisation should treat foreigners. We got 60% on these two boards. We preferred playing them... 
Louis Stift
Aggressive doubles in pairs
Of cause the boards from last evening at the Atomic club.
Aggressive doubles in pairs.
Not on the last table, but the table before against one pair I used very frequent the red card.
The magic +200, every player in pairs dreams of it, isn’t it? 
Louis Stift
Never go for -800 in a team event
Last weekend we drove to the bridgefestival in Brasov.
With Valentin and Bogdan we ended number 1.
This goes as follows 
Louis Stift
Lead more often the colour from your partner
Herewith two boards from Monday, 15-11-2004, Atomic bridge-evening
On board 10 East didn’t lead the opening colour.
On board 11 North also didn’t lead the opening colour ... 
Louis Stift
Bridge Chronicle (Netherlands/Romania)
The first week of november we were in the Netherlands.
I was invited by a dutch girl, Wilma Koens, to play Butler on Monday, the 1 st.
I had the following problem 
Louis Stift
Atomic Chronicle
Monday, again to club Atomic.
Because we played the whole weekend at Craiova and we were a part of team Atomic2 mr. Dan had made us a member of the club Atomic, so we ...
