Table of Contents

Sistem Balint-Lazar

Descrierea generala

Sistemul este natural, bazat pe deschideri slabe si 2/1 GF cu unica exceptie 1♦ - 2♣ - 2♦ - 3♣ Deschiderea de 1nt este variabila in functie de pozitie (in 3 si 4 mereu 15-17, in 1 si 2 depinde de tipul concursului - aici va fi descrisa varianta corespunzatoare zonei 12-14 - punctele promise de o anumita vorbire sunt scrise pentru primele 2 pozitii; pentru ultimele doua, trebuie adunata diferenta dintre cele doua zone de NT) Deschidem cu orice mana de 9HCP si cu maini mai slabe si distributionale in primele 2 pozitii. Barajele pot fi extrem de slabe, depinzand de vulnerabilitate si pozitie. Contrele sunt de apel cat timp nu s-a stabilit fitul si cat timp nu s-a stabilit lipsa fitului.

Deschideri, raspunsuri si revorbiri


1m – 1M – 2M

1. You open a minor suit, partner responds with 1 of a major and you agree to his major. Can this be a 3-card fit? Yes. When? When not having a balanced hand or decent NT cards in the unspoken major.

2. Can partner make an inquiry about the quality of your fit? 2NT

3. 1♦-1♥-2♥-3♣/♦? 5 hearts, asks for support in ♣/♦. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2♠ asks for support in spades, partner should bid 3nt with 3 hearts and good spade holding. 1♦-1♠-2♠-3♥ as above

1m-1M-2M-2NT. What do your subsequent bids mean?

4. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2NT-3♣?

weak hand, 3-card fit

5. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2NT-3♦?

strong hand, 3-card fit

6. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2NT-3♥?

weak hand, 4-card fit

7. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2NT-3♠?

strong hand, 4-card fit

8. 1♣-1♥-2♥-2NT-3NT?

strong hand, 4-card fit, 4333 shape

Other situations:

9. 1♦-1♥-2♣-2♦-2♥? 3-card fit in a stronger hand (14-17hcp (12-15hcp in first 2 seats))

10. 1♦-1♥-2♥-2NT-3♣/♦ - 3♠ = 4 ♠ 1♦-1♠-2♠-2NT-3♣/♦ - 3♥ = 4 ♥

11. 1m - [p] - 1M - [something] - 2M - [p] - ? 2M promisses 4 cards as Dbl is support so we play like after 1M - 2M; help suit and short suit

1M – 2M

1. 1♥-2♥

2. 1♠ - 2♠

3. 1♠ - 2♠ - 3♠: preemptive.

4. 1♥ - 2♠ / 1♠ - 3♣ = 3 card fit and inv+; help suit tries on (2nt for ♠); serious 3nt on

5. 1♥ - 3♣ / 1♠ - 3♦ = 4 card fit, inv; help suit tries and serious 3nt on;

6. 1♥ - 3♦ / 1♠ - 3♥ = 4 card fit, constructive; help suit tries and serious 3nt on;

7. 1♥ /1♠ - 2 nt = 4 card fit, GF; show singletons on the 3rd level and 5-5 on the 4th level. Serious 3nt on.

8. 1♥ /1♠ - 3 nt = 3 card fit, 4 cards in the unbid major, unlimited strength.

9. Splinters, including 1♠ - 4♥.

10. See also SWITCH for constructive/distructive fit bids.

Checkback (1m – 1M – 1/2NT – 2/3!C)

1. You open, partner makes a 1-major response and you bid 1NT, followed by a conventional 2♣ from partner (e.g. 1♦-1♠-1NT-2♣). Your bids mean:

2. You open, partner makes a 1-major response and you bid 2NT, followed by a conventional 3♣ from partner (e.g. 1♦-1♠-2NT-3♣). Your bids mean:

(Stayman style)

Meanings of other related bids: 3. 1♦/♣/♥-1♥/♠-1NT-2NT? desire to play in 3♣

4. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♣-2♦/♥/♠-2NT? invites to 3NT

5. 1♦-1♠-1NT-3♣/♦/♥? 5-5, GF

6. 1♦-1♠-1NT-3♠? 6 spades, GF

7. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♣-2♠-3♠? 6 spades, invitational

8. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♣-2♠-any? interrogative (same as after 1♠ - 2♠ - help suit tries and short suit tries).

9. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♣-2♥/NT-3♠? strong hand, looking for slam, start Q-bidding

10. 1♦/♣-1♥-1NT-2♣-2♠/NT-3♠? Q-bid

11. 1♥-1♠-2NT-3♣-3NT? 6 hearts, 3 spades (2-2 in the minor suits)

12. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♣-2♦-2♥? 5 spades, 4 hearts, forcing (invitational+ values)

13. 1♦/♣-1♠-2♦/♣-2♥? 5 spades, 4-5 hearts, forcing 1 round

14. 1♦/♣-1♠-1NT-2♥? 5 spades, 4-5 hearts, NF, otherwise would’ve used checkback

15. 1m - 1M - 2NT - 3♣ - 3♦ - 3OM = 5 cards in M, small doubleton in OM, can play in 4M if we don’t have a stopper in OM.



1. Are we ever in a force when “nobody knows whose hand it is?” Yes. 2. Are we always in a force when we bid a Vulnerable Game? No. 3. Are we always in a force when we bid a game at Unfavorable? No. 4. Are we in a force when the opponents are obviously saving? Yes.


Is the “Pass” forcing? 5. (3♣)-X-(5♣)-P? Yes 6. (3♥)-X-(5♥)-P? Yes 7. (P)-P-(2♠)-X; (4♠)-P? No 8. (2♠)-3♥-(3♠)-4♥; (4♠)-P? No


9. (1♠)-P-(1NT)-P; (2♣)-Dbl? Take-out or penalty? T-O

10. (1♠)-P-(1NT)-P; (2♣)-P-(2♠) -P; (P)-Dbl? Take-out or penalty? T-O

11. (1♠)-P- (2♠)-P; (P)-Dbl-(P)-2NT? Meaning? Scrambling, 2 suits.


A double is takeout if unclear!

You make a takeout-double and partner makes an invitational jump-response in a new suit. 12. Does this promise a 5-card suit,or could it be only four? 4

You make a takeout-double and partner responds with a Q-bid. 13. What is his minimum strength? Invitational

14. Does he promise another bid? Yes

15. Does it depend upon whether the Q-bid is a minor, or a major? No

After you have made a take-out double: 16. (1♣) Dbl (P) 1♥ (P) 2♠? Forcing? No

17. (1♠) Dbl (2♠) 3♦ (P) 3♥? Forcing? No

18. (1♣) Dbl (P) 1NT (P) 2♦/♥/♠? Forcing? No

19. (1♠) Dbl (P) 2♠(P) 2NT Extras? Yes GF? No or possible minimum? No

20. (1♣) Dbl (P) 2♣ (P) 2♥? Forcing? Yes (2♣ promises rebid)

21. (1♣) Dbl (P) 2♣ (P) 3♣ Is GF? Yes or can you now Pass 3♥/♠? No

You make a take-out double, partner responds minimally and you Q-Bid. What do continuations by your partner show? 22. New suit? Good hand, exept 2♥ after 1♠

23. 2NT? 3-4 HCP

24. Q-bid? 6-8 hcp, balanced, no stopper in opps suit e.g., (1♦) Dbl (P) 1♥ (P) 2♦ (P) 2♥ How many ♥‘s does 2♦ show? 3 Can 2♥ be a 3-cd ♥ suit? Yes


Does your partnership use any equal-level conversion doubles? Are these equal-level conversion situations? 25. (1♠) Dbl (P) 2♣; (P) 2♦? No extras? Yes Perhaps 3451 minimum? Probably

26. ...2♥? Extras? 1543 minimum possible? Extras, yes. Not possible 1543.

What does it mean when you double an opponent’s splinter bid? 27. Lead-directing? Yes

28. Lead-directing for another suit? No

29. Suggesting a save? No.

30. Does it depend upon the vulnerability? No.

31. Does it depend upon the exact circumstances? yes.

32. If you double a 3-level splinter, does it mean something different than when you double a 4-level splinter? No.

33. (1♠) P (4♥) Dbl? Lead a ♣? Lead a ♦? Lead a ♥? Yes

34. (1♠) Dbl (4♣) Dbl? Is this different now that partner has suggested club length? Shows clubs.

35. (1♠) 2♣ (4♣) Dbl? Is this different now that partner is known to hold ♣‘s? Anti-lead directing

36. (1♦) P (3♠) Dbl? ♠‘s? (Lead a ♠ against 3NT?) Lead a ♣/♥? This is T/O for H and C.


Does double of 3NT ask for a specific lead? 37. (1NT) P (3NT) Dbl? Spade

38. (1NT) P (2♣) P; (2♥) P (3NT) Dbl? Spade

39. (1♣) P (1♥) P; (1NT) P (3NT) Dbl? Lead a ♥? Yes

40. 1♠ (1NT) P (3NT); P (P) Dbl? Lead a ♠? Don’t lead a ♠? Does not apply! I am on lead! :D

41. 3♥ (Dbl) P (3NT); P (P) Dbl? Lead a ♥? Don’t lead a ♥? Don’t lead a H!

42. 1♠ (1NT) 3♦ (3NT); Dbl? Lead a ♠? Lead a ♦? Don’t lead S, don’t lead D! (3 D was fit showing... pass suggests S lead; if we have D fit, we don’t pass or X 3NT, we bid on)

43. 1♥ (Dbl) P (2♠); 3♣ (3NT) P (P); Dbl? Lead a ♥? Lead a ♣? Lead a ♠? Pass suggests club lead (because partner tends to have more clubs since no heart fit was shown). X asks for heart lead.

44. 1♥ (Dbl) P (2♠); 3♣ (3♠) P (3NT); P (P) Dbl? Lead a ♥? Lead a ♣? Lead a ♠? Lead a heart. Same logic as above

Suppose you’ve made an earlier lead-directing double. 45. Does your double of the final contract cancel the first message? Yes.

What lead does double request? (1NT) P (2♣) Dbl; (2♥) P (3NT) Dbl? Lead a ♣? Don’t lead a ♣? Lead a spade.

46. If your double of 3NT normally suggests leading dummy’s first bid-suit, does this change when the suit has been rebid? No.

What lead (if any) does double suggest? 47. (1♣) P (1♥) P; (1♠) P (2♥) P; (2NT) P (3NT) Dbl? Lead a ♥? ♥ stack? Not-lead directing? Lead a heart

48. (1♣) P (1♥) P; (1NT) P (3♥) Dbl? Lead a ♥? ♥ stack? Not-lead directing? Heart.


49. (1♦) Dbl (Rdbl) P? To play in 1♦ redoubled? Yes

50. (1♠) Dbl (Rdbl) P? To play in 1♠ redoubled? No, but no clear bid

51. (3♠) Dbl (Rdbl) P? To play in 3♠ redoubled? Yes

52. (1♠) P (2♠) P (P) Dbl (Rdbl) P? To play in 2♠ redoubled? Yes


53. (1♥)-P-(3♥limit )-3NT? Natural? Yes (long minor)

54. (1♠)-P-(3♠)-3NT? Natural? Same as above

55. (1♥)-1♠-(2♥)-P; (P)-2NT? Meaning? Meaningless...

56. (1♥)-P-(1♠)-P; (2♥)-2NT? Meaning? See 55. Very weak minors? Or Strong? Strong with ♥‘s?

57. (1♠)-P-(P)-2NT? Strong and Natural? Yes Range? 21-22

Leads & Signals


1. 2nd & 4th Low encourage 2. 4th best vs. NT 3. Frequent Trump? No 4. Frequent Singleton? Yes 5. Frequent Doubleton? No 6. Frequent lead from xxx? No. Which Card? 2nd. 7. Underlead Aces Trick 1 vs. Suit? NO! 8. Partner leads your unbid 5-cd suit vs. 3NT and you win the 1st trick (His view is that you could have only three.) Which card do you return? Original 4th best


1. Frequent Signals? No Upside-Down or Standard? U-D 2. Rank 1,2,3: Count 1, Attitude 2, Suit Preference 3; 3. Suit Preference is Upside Down or Standard? Standard 4. Smith Echo vs. NT? Yes. By Both Sides? Yes. 5. Odd-Even Discard No 6. Trump Echo Means - Smith Echo Count? U-D How do we give count with xxxx? Lowest 7. In what specific situations do we:


8. Trick One Signal is usually count EXCEPTIONS: 1. When the count is known from the bidding; 2. See above (Always give Attitude?); 3. When dummy is singleton show S/P 9. Trick one vs. NT - 3rd hand can’t beat dummy Count 10. Trick one vs. NT – Partner leads A or K asking for attitude, xx is in dummy, you have xxxx. What card do you play? lowest 11. Vs. Suit - Dummy has singleton. Your signal i is S/P 12. Vs. Suit – Partner leads Ace (or K) from AK, dummy has Qxxx or Qxxxx. How do you signal with xxxx? Play high (showing odd number) 13. Partner Leads Q and you can’t see J. Your signal is count 14. Partner leads known singleton: S/P 15. Partner leads known AK doubleton: count, then S/P MIDDLE OF HAND: 16. Trick-2 Signal, when following suit to declarer’s lead, is usually smith echo 17. Sometimes lead Count? Yes, in partner’s suit when no fit shown. Which Card? Highest non-honour from odd, lowest from even, H from Hx 18. Emphasis After Trick One is On Attitude?/Count?/Suit Preference? Count


If your LHO opens, partner passes and RHO makes a one-level re-sponse (e.g., 1♦-P-1♠-?) What do your bids mean?

1. 2 of RHO’s suit 6 good spades

2. 2 of Opener’s (LHO) suit 6 good diamonds

3. 3 of Opener’s (LHO) suit Gambling without diamond stopper

4. 1NT clubs and hearts (4-4, 5-4 or weak 5-5), weak hand

5. 2NT clubs and hearts (min good 5-5)

6. 3NT – Gambling, no stopper.

7. If the bidding is 1♣-P-1♦, does it change the meaning of any of the above? No

(1♥) -P–(2♥)-? . What do the following bids mean by you? 6. 2NT? Natural strong NT? Yes. or minors? No.

7. 3♥? Stopper-ask? Yes – like [1h] – 3h.

8. 4♣? Preempt, or two-suited with ♠‘s? Two suited.

9. 4♦? Same as above.

10. 4♥? ♠‘s + minor? Yes, longer minor! (can have 5 spades, 7 of a minor)

11. 4NT? Minors? Yes BW? No


12. (1NT)-P-(2♥Jacoby )-Dbl; (2♠)- P- P- 2NT? 18-20 bal (with hearts? How many?)

13. (1NT)-P-(2♥Jacoby )-P; (2♠) - P-(P)- Dbl? T/O

14. (1NT)-P-(2♥Jacoby )-P; (2♠) - P- (P)- Dbl (P) –2NT? Scrambling


Explain the meaning of the last bid in the following auctions: 15. (1♦) -P-(1NT)-P; (P) -2♣? Natural 16. (1♦) -P-(1NT)-P; (P) -2♦? Natural 17. (1♦) -P-(1♠)-P; (1NT)-2♣? Natural

18. (1♣) -P-(1♠)-2♥; (2♠) - 3♣? Good hand, fit ...3♦? Fit with diamonds. FNJ.

19. (1♣)-3♣? Gambling, no club stopper.

20. (1♣)-P-(1NT)-P; (P) -2♣? Clubs

21. (1♣)-P-(1NT)-P; (P) -2♦? 4-4 majors, maybe?

22. (1♠)-2♥-(P)-4♣/♦? Fit jump

23. (1♣)-P-(P)-3♠? 14-17 HCP, 7 spades...

24. (1♣/♦)-P-(1NT)-P; (P) -Dbl? Opening hand with ♣/♦

(1♣) -P-(1♦)-P; (1NT)-2♣? Natural ...2♦? Majors, weak ...Dbl? Opening with clubs

(1♦)-1♠-(1NT)-Dbl? Take-out for clubs and hearts

(1♦) -Dbl-(P)-1♠; (2♦)-Dbl? Stronger T/O

(1♥)-P-(1NT)-P; (2♥)-Dbl? Weak T/O.

(1♦)-P-(1♥)-2♥; (P)-P-(2NT)-3♦? Natural.

(1H)-P-(1NT)-P; (2m)-Dbl? T/O, hearts implied.

(3♥)-P-(4♥)-4NT? Minors

(1♥)-1♠-(3♣/♦)? Fit jump

(1♦)-Dbl-(1♠)-2♠? 6 spades.

(1♦)-Dbl-(1♠)-Dbl? 4-5 spades, decent hand (min 7 hcp maybe...)


Explain your responses to partner’s 1-level overcall. Indicate the best and worst hand you would have for your action. 1. Single raise Best hand: 9 hcp, 3 card fit. Worst hand: 3hcp, Kxx fit.

2. New suit: forcing Best hand: +inf Worst hand: if the new suit is 1/1, 8hcp. Else, 10hcp.

3. 2NT: 4 card raise. It depends on the circumstances

4. Jump in new suit: fit jump. Best hand: KQJxx in the suit bid and Kxxx fit

5. Jump in partner’s suit: preemptive, 4 card fit. Best hand: 7 hcp. Worst hand: 0 hcp.

6. Jump in opener’s suit. Mixed raise. Usually 8-10 hcp, 4 card fit

7. Q-bid – promises a fit? Yes promises another bid? No.

8. Q-bid then a new suit? Looking for 3NT or slam

9. Double jump in a new suit: e.g., (1♦)-1♥-(P)-? 3♠? 4♣? 4♥? Fit jump. Best hand: +inf. Worst hand depends on vulnerability. 10. Partner makes a 1-level overcall and you bid 1NT. Does this guarantee a stopper in the opponent’s suit? Yes.

After your 1NT response, what do the following actions by over-caller mean?

11. “Q-bid” of opener’s suit natural? No. Q-bid? Yes. Forcing? Yes.

12. Jump-shift in new suit:(1♦)-1ª-(P)-1N;(P)-3♣? Forcing? Yes.

13. Jump-shift into opener’s suit e.g., (1♦)-1ª-(P)-1NT (P)- 3♦ natural? Yes. Forcing? Yes.

Partner makes a 2-level overcall:

14. Is a new suit by you forcing? Yes.

15. Does it depend on whether or not you are a PH? No.

16. Does it depend on whether its minor to Major, Major to minor, Major to Major, minor to minor, change of level? No.

Partner makes a 3-level overcall:

17. Is a new suit by you forcing? Yes.

18. Is it forcing if you are a passed hand? Yes.

What do these different actions mean?

19. (1♦)- 1♥ -(DblNeg ):2♦? 3 card fit, 10 hcp+

20. ...2♠? fit jump

21. ...2NT? 11+ hcp, 4 card fit.

22. ...3♣? fit jump

23. ...3♦? 8-10 , 4 card fit

24. ...3♠? fit jump

25. ...Rdbl? Rosenkratz


You overcall an off-shape 1NT, and partner transfers to your singleton.

26. Can you tell him? No

You overcall 1NT and partner transfers to the opponents’ suit.

27. What’s he doing? Bidding natural

28. Could he want to play there? Yes

29. In their major? Yes

30. Is he showing shortness? No

You overcall 2NT after an opponent’s weak 2-bid and partner transfers. RHO doubles. What is the difference between your acceptance of the transfer, your redouble, and your pass? e.g., (2♥)-2NT-(P)-(3♥-transfer); (Dbl)-?

31. 3♠ shows? 3 card fit

32. Pass shows? No 3 card fit

33. Rdbl shows? Good holding in hearts (Hxxx minimum)

Partner balances with 1NT.

34. What’s his range? 15-17

35. What are your continuations? Stayman/Transfers

36. (1♦)- 1♥ -(P) - 1♠ - (P) - 2/3♦ : natural, with diamonds.

37. (1♦)- 1♥ -(P) - 2♣ - (P) - 3♣ shows extra strength.


Partner opens with a 2-level preempt (2 of a major). What do your bids mean?

1. 2♥-3♥? preemptive, partner should stay quiet (or make an incredible double)

2. 2♥-4♥? desire to play in 4♥, I have my reasons :)

3. Can you make an inquiry about the quality of his hand?


You make such an inquiry. Partner’s bids mean:

4. 2♥-2NT-3♣?

minimum hand, poor suit

5. 2♥-2NT-3♦?

maximum hand, poor suit

6. 2♥-2NT-3♥?

minimum hand, good suit

7. 2♥-2NT-3♠?

maximum hand, good suit

8. 2♥-2NT-3NT?

maximum hand, AKQxxx suit

9. Is 2NT also an inquiry when partner’s preempt was an overcall?

No! Shows fit (3 cards or more).


10. First-in-hand, NV vs V.

Minimum: 0 hcp, 5-card suit
Maximum: 8 hcp, 6-card suit
Minimum hand: 0-5 hcp

11. First-in-hand, NV vs NV, V vs V or Second-in-hand, NV vs V.

Minimum: 4 hcp, 5-card suit
Maximum: 9 hcp, 6-card suit
Minimum hand: 4-6 hcp, 7 ugly ones

12. First-in-hand, V vs NV or Second-in-hand, NV vs NV, V vs V.

Minimum: 6 hcp, 6-card suit
Maximum: 10 hcp, 6-card suit
Minimum hand: 6-7 hcp, 8 ugly ones

13. Second-in-hand, V vs NV.

Minimum: 8 hcp, 6-card suit
Maximum: 11 hcp, 6-card suit
Minimum hand: 8-9 hcp


Can be very light on favorable or equal vulnerability if we have fit in opps suit:

[1♣] - 2♠ can be with Jxxxx x xxx xxxx at favorable or equal vulnerability. At unfavorable, 8-11 HCP.

If no fit in opps suit then precautions must be taken. If we don’t have shortnes in majors/other major then there is little to gain so the preempt must be classic style.

The Incredible Double

A double by preempter after fit shows a classic preempt:

2♠ - [3♥] - 3♠ - [4♥] - Dbl

2/3♥ - [p] - 4♥ -[4♠] - Dbl

[1♣] - 2♠ - [3♥] - 3♠ - [4♥] - Dbl (so when overcalling also).

Reverse bids and continuations

A reverse bid promises 16+hcp (14+ in 1st and 2nd seat), even after 2/1 (here 15 (13) is acceptable)!

Partner opens, you respond and partner makes a non-jump bid in a higher ranking suit than the opening (e.g. 1♦-1♠-2♥). Your bids mean:

1. 1♦-1♠-2♥-2♠? 5 spades, forcing, possibly weak;

bidding any other suit denies 5 spades!

2. 1♦-1♠-2♥-2NT? Lebensohl-ish, asks for 3♣

3. 1♦-1♠-2♥-3♣/♦/♥? GF (3♣ is 4sf)

4. 1♦-1♠-2♥-3♠? 6 good spades, slamish

Partner’s responses to your weak bids mean:

5. 1♦-1♠-2♥-2♠-3♦/♠? natural, NF

6. 1♦-1♠-2♥-2NT-3NT? maximum hand, probably spade singleton

Other situations:

7. 1♦-1♠-3♥? 6 diamonds, 5 hearts, doesn’t afford a reverse bid

8. 1♣-(1♥)-2♦-(p)-2♠? weak (is below 3♣), apparently 5 spades, since partner didn’t double

9. 1♣-(1♥)-2♦-(p)-3♠? strong, 5 spades, 6 clubs (or 5 with sensibly better quality than the spades?)


weak, 6 diamonds, 5 hearts

11. 1♦-1♥-2♠? GF (jump reverse bid, when 1♠ would’ve been up-the-line, therefore affordable)


After they open 1x and we overcall 1y/2y (and there is at least another suit that hasn’t been bid between 1x and 1y/2y, let’s call it/them x+1, x+2 etc):

* first y-1 = constructive+ y-fit ([1♣]-1♠ - [p] -2♥(!) = shows ♠-fit, constructive or better).

The meaning of the alerted bids stays unchanged if RHO bids and all transfers would still be below a direct bid of the suit (transfer in opener’s suit excluded).

      x+1 always excludes NT bids. No transfer to NT and NT is never transfer.

Usually transfers with weak hands are made with 6 card suits and no fit. A minimum hand would be xx QJxxxx xx xxx on trick 2 and xx KQJxxx xx xxx or x KJxxxxx xx xxx on trick 3.

1. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] -2♥ = would pass a NF 2♥ bid

2. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] -3♦ = fit in a maximum hand (usually 16+ points – counting also distribution)

3. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] -3♥ = 4 card fit in a minimum hand, fit in a non-minimum & non-maximum hand (around 12-15 hcp)

4. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] -4♥ = 4 card fit, distributional hand

5. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] - 2nt = strong hand, probably singleton ♥ (usually 15-17 hcp)

6. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] - 2♠ = 6 ♠, at most singleton ♥

7. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] - 3♠ = solid ♠ suit, no fit

8. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [p] - 3♣ = probably 5-5 with less than doubleton ♥

9. [1♠]-2♦ - [p] -2♠(!) - [p] - 3♣ = would pass a NF 3♣ bid

10. [1♣]-1♠ - [p] -2♥(!) = constructive+ ♠-fit, continuations are identical to those after 1♠-2♠ [1♣]-1♠ - [p] -2♥(!) - 2♠ - [ p ] = continuations are also identical to those after 1♠-2♠

The same rules apply when our overcall is a preempt.

11. [1♦]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [p] -3♥ = would pass a NF 3♥ bid (surely no 4 card fit or 3 card fit and a singleton)

12. [1♦]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [p] -4♦ = fit in a good hand, probably singleton ♦

13. [1♦]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [p] -4♥ = fit in a distributional hand

14. [1♦]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [p] -3♠ = 6 ♠, at most singleton ♥

15. [1♦]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [p] -4♣ = should show fit...

16. [1♣]-2♠ - [p] -3♣(!) - [p] - 3♥ = 6 ♠, 4 ♥

17. [1♣]-2♠ - [p] -3♥(!) = constructive+ ♠-fit, more offensive than 2NT in this position (more often with 4 card fit)

When the opener interferes again:

18. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [something] - ? - bids’ meanings are mostly unchanged - pass = would pass a nonforcing 2♥; Dbl = support (3 card raise always! 4 card fit is shown by bidding directly).

19. [1♦]-1♠ - [p] -2♦(!) - [Dbl] - ? pass = would pass a nonforcing 2♥; 2♥ = very minimum, 3 card fit. Redbl = to play there. Minimum Hxxx on ♦. The rest are unchanged.

20. [1♣]-2♠ - [p] -3♦(!) - [Dbl] - ? pass = would pass a nonforcing 2♥; 3♥ = very minimum, 3 card fit. Redbl = to play there. Minimum Hxxx on ♦. The rest are unchanged.

When the opener’s partner interfered:

21. [1♦]-1♠ - [3♣] -3♦(!) = shows ♥

22. [1♦]-1♠ - [2♣] -3♣(!) = mixed raise, stronger

23. [1♦]-1♠ - [2♣] -3♦(!) = mixed raise, weaker

24. [1♣]-1♠ - [2♥] -3♣(!) = shows ♦

25. [1♦]-1♠ - [2♥] -3♣ = natural, only ♣


After we open 1m and LHO overcalls 1/2♠:

* Dbl = exactly 4 ♥ .

1. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 2♥ = would pass a nonforcing 2♥ bid (usually a minimum hand with no fit - could be Axxx xx KQxx Axx but also AQxx x KQxx KQxx; a nonforcing bid usually means about 8hcp with a 6 card suit).

2. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 2♠ = fit in a non-minimum hand (a minimum for this bid would be Axxx Kxx AKxxx x).

3. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 3♥ = fit in a minimum hand (a maximum for this bid would be Axxx Kxx AQJx xx).

4. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 2nt = strong hand, no fit (usually 18-19 balanced but 17 with singleton is ♥ accepted).

5. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 3nt = solid diamond suit, much like 1♦ - 1♥ - 3NT.

6. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 2♦ = 6 diamonds, singleton ♥.

7. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 3♣ = probably 5-5 with a singleton heart.

8. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [p] - 3♦ = like 1♦ - 1♥ - 3♦.

9. 1♦-[1♠] -2♥(!) - [p] - 3♣ = would pass a nonforcing 3♣ bid: no 4 card fit, not a very strong balanced hand, not a strong unbalanced hand with 3 card fit.

10. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣/♥(!) - [2/3♠] - ? bids’ meanings are mostly unchanged - pass = would pass a nonforcing 2♥; Dbl = support (3 card raise always! 4 card fit is shown by bidding directly).

11. 1♦-[1♠] -2♣(!) - [Dbl] - ? pass = would pass a nonforcing 2♥; 2♥ = very minimum, 3 card fit. Redbl = to play there. Minimum Hxxx on ♣. The rest are unchanged.

12. 1♦-[1♠] -2♥(!) - [Dbl] - ? pass = no 3 card fit. 3♣ = minimum hand, 3 card fit. Redbl = to play there. The rest are unchanged.

Switch also applies after 1♠ - [2/3♣] - ?

The general rule is: Switch applies everytime an opponent overcalls except after 1m - [x♥] and 1M - [x♦].

Also, Switch applies here:

1♠ - 2♦ = ♥ (opps didn’t interfere) 1♠ - 2♦ - 2♥ = would pass if partner has a non-forcing hand with hearts (either a minimum with 3 card fit or up to a medium had in misfit). ... - 2♠ = 5 hearts, 2 spades exactly, invitational. ... - 2NT = relay, game forcing, asking bid, answers in steps (3c= 1 heart min hand, 3d= 1 h max hand,3h= 2h min hand, 3s= 2h max hand, 3nt= 3h min). ... - 3♥ = 6♥, invitational. All the other bids are natural and game forcing.

1♠ - 2♦ - 2♠ = misfited hand, strongly suggests 6 spades and max 1 heart. Not a maximal opening. 1♠ - 2♦ - 2nt - 3♣/♦/♠ = misfited maximal hand.

1♠ - 2♥ / 1♥ - 2♦ = exactly 3 card fit and response points (what would normally be a simple raise) 1♠ - 2♠ / 1♥ - 2♥ = exactly 3 card fit and a very weak hand (could be 0)

After this “constructive” raise, the same structure as after 1M – 2M applies.

Sistem 2-under

Descrierea generala

Sistemul este organizat in jurul anuntarii lungimilor culorilor majore inca de la prima licitatie cu scopul de a obtine un avantaj competitiv si de a putea detecta cat mai rapid mansa potrivita. Din moment ce sunt precizate din start lungimile majorelor, contrele negative isi pierd mare parte din valoare si sunt inlocuite cu contre care propun penalizarea. Singura deschidere tare este 1♣ (15+) si se poate trata dupa gust, independent de restul sistemului. Deschiderea de 1nt este 8-11 in primele 2 pozitii si 15-17 in ultimele doua indiferent de vulnerabilitate.

Raspunsurile la deschideri pot fi si orientate spre imbunatatirea partialei (un raspuns nu promite forta de mansa in eventualitatea in care partenerul e in varianta maximala).

Deschideri, raspunsuri si revorbiri

1♣ = tare, de la 15, se pot juca orice raspunsuri si revorbiri dupa preferinta.

1♦ = 8-14 hcp, 4-5 carouri fara majora de minim 4 carti (posibil 3334 daca are 12-14 hcp in primele 2 pozitii, posibil 4♦ 5♣ mereu).

1♥ = exact 4 carti de ♥, 8-14 hcp, poate avea o minora mai lunga, poate avea 4 pici doar in varianta maximala

1♠ = exact 4 carti de ♠, 8-14 hcp, poate avea o minora mai lunga, poate avea 4 cupe doar in varianta maximala

1NT = 8-11 hcp balansat, se joaca dupa preferinta

2♣ = exact 5 carti de ♥, 7-14 hcp, poate avea 4 carti de ♠ doar daca e super maximal

2♦ = exact 5 carti de ♠, 7-14 hcp, poate avea 4 carti de ♥ doar daca e super maximal

2♥ = 4-4 sau 5-4 major, 7-12 hcp

2♠ = 5+ ♣, 7-14 hcp (daca are 5 carti, este 5332 cu 12-14 hcp), fara majora in 4

2NT = 6+ ♦, 7-14 hcp, fara majora in 4

3♣ = 6+ ♥, 7-14 hcp

3♦ = 6+ ♠, 7-14 hcp

3♥ = 5-5, 6-5 major, 7-12 hcp

3♠ = 7+ ♣, 7-14 hcp

3NT = 7+ ♦, 7-14 hcp

4♣ = o mana de 8-10 levate pe ♥, dar fara puncte de deschis 1♣

4♦ = o mana de 8-10 levate pe ♠, dar fara puncte de deschis 1♣

4M = o mana de <8 levate, natural

4NT = bicolor minor

5 orice = natural