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Iancu - Agica system notes

♣ ♦ ♥ ♠


This document aims to provide a complete explanation of the MOSCITO bidding system used by Stefan Iancu and Bogdan Agica. It is mainly based on Richard Willey’s and Paul Marston’s system old-notes, which have provided invaluable help.

The MOSCITO bidding system was designed to support a “Quick in - quick out” auction style. We find that placing most hands in a playable contract as quickly as possible is providing a significant tactical advantage.

Most constructive bidding is based on relays, which are designed to make the unknown hand the declarer in ~90% of the time. It’s anchored by a strong club (15+ HCP) opening, which makes room for light, constructive and descriptive opening bids.

Transfer opening bids are used (1♦ → ♥, 1♥ → ♠, 1♠ → ♦), in order to ensure the comparatively well-defined hand is exposed in the dummy.

Opening bids

Balanced hands open at least 10HCP, only with lead directing purposes. Adjustments for wildly unbalanced hands will be taken into account, e.g. Kxxxx / Kxxxxx / xx / - is an opening hand.

Opening bid Meaning 3rd/4th Position
1♣ 15+ HCP, any distribution 17+ HCP, any distribution
1♦ 4+♥, ♥>♠, 8-14 HCP 10-16 HCP
1♥ 4+♠, ♠>♥, 8-14 HCP 10-16 HCP
1♠ 4+♦, either 6♦, or 5-4 minors, could have 6♦4M 10-16 HCP
1NT 12-14 BAL or SEMIBAL, no 5+M 13-16 HCP
2♣ 6+♣, could have 4M, 8-14 HCP 10-16 HCP

Limited opening bids


The 1♦ opening bid promises at least 4 ♥, hearts longer than spades, and roughly 8-14HCP. It could be balanced, with at least 10 HCP...

Raise structure:

Bid Meaning
4♥ To play. Could be anything.
4♦, 4♣, 3♠ SPL, 4+H
3♥ Value raise. 6-10HCP, 4+H, good ODR
3♦, 3♣, 2NT Fit-showing jumps. 4+♥, 5+suit (2NT → ♠)
2♥ 3+♥, 6-10HCP, 4♥ if low ODR

Other bids:

2♠ INV, 5+♠, 5+m
2♦, 2♣, 1NT NAT, NF
1♠ NAT, F1
1♥ Relay

Relay structure:


1♦ - 1♥:

Bid Meanings
1♠ 0-3♠, BAL or 3SUIT or 5♥ + 4+♣
1NT 44♥♠ BAL or 3SUIT Relay
2♣ ♥+♦ Relay FIXME
2♦ ♥ 1SUIT Relay FIXME
2♥ Reverser 4♥ + 5+♣ Relay Reverser 4♥ + 5+♦ FIXME
2♠+ ♥+♠ 2suit Relay → 2SUIT →1SUIT 55♦+♥, etc FIXME
2NT+ BAL (2NT 5332, 44♦♥, 2434, 3424)


The 1♥ opening bid promises 4+♠ , spades longer than hearts, and roughly 8-14 HCP.

Raise structure:

Bid Meaning
4♠ To play. Could be anything.
4♣♦♥ SPL
3♠ Value raise. 4+♠, ~6-10HCP, good ODR
3♣♦♥ FSJ. 5+ cards, 4+♠, INV
2♠ 3+♠, ~6-10HCP. Low ODR if 4♠

Other bids:

Bid Meaning
2NT INV, 5+♥ + 5+m
2♣♦♥ NAT, NF
1♠ Relay

Relay structure after 1♥ - 1♠:


Bid Meanings
1NT BAL or 3SUIT or 5+♠ 4+♥
2♣ ♠+♦ 2SUIT Relay
2♦ 5+♠ 4+♣ 2SUIT Relay BAL
2♥ Reverser 4♠ + 5+♣ Relay Reverser 4♠ + 5+♦ 3SUIT with ♥ shortage
2♠+ 1SUIT Relay → 2SUIT ♦+♠ 2SUIT 5+♠ 4+♥ 2SUIT
Three-suited hands with minor shortage

There are two patterns to worry about (5=4=0=4 and 5=4=4=0). They are resolved with a 3NT bid, either through 2NT (high shortage) for 5=4=0=4, or directly for 5=4=4=0. The 7-4-2-0 distribution is therefore displaced a step.

Balanced hands

Balanced hands are shown with a 1♥ - 1♠(R) - 1NT - 2♣(R) - 2♦ development. After the 2♥ relay, the whole structure is downshifted a step, due to the lack of 4♥ in opener’s hand. Thus:

Bid Meaning
2♠ 5332
2NT 4♦4♠(32)
3♣ 4=2=3=4
3♦ 4=3=2=4, zoom


The 1♠ promises at least 4+♦, either 5-4 minors either way, or 6+♦, and roughly 8-14HCP. It could hold 6+♦ + 4M.

Raise structure

Bid Meaning
3♥, 3♠, 4♣ SPL, 4+♦
3♦ Value raise, ~6-9 HCP, 4+♦
3♣ P/C to better minor

Other bids

Bid Meaning
2♥, 2♠ NAT, NF, 6+ cards
2♦ 5+♠, F1
2♣ 5+♥, F1
1NT Relay, not necessarily strong

Relay structure

The 1NT response to 1♠ is F1, however not necessarily strong. After that:

Bid Meanings
2♣ 5-4 minors
2♦ 6+♦ To play
2♥ 6+♦ + 4♥ Relay Relay
2♠ 6+♦ + 4♠ 1SUIT 2SUIT


The 1NT opening bid promises 12-14HCP and a BAL or SEMIBAL distribution. It cannot contain a 5M. The system is fairly relaxed on whether to open 1NT with 1 or 2 4M.

Choosing whether to open 1M or 1NT

With a good 4M, especially with a small doubleton, it’s advisable we open 1♦ or 1♥. Always open 1NT with 4333.

Response structure



The 2♣ opening bid promises 6+♣, 0-3♦, 0-4M, and roughly 8-14 HCP.

Response structure

Bid Meanings
2D Relay
2♥, 2♠ F1, NAT 6+♣ + 4M
3,4,5♣ PRE

1♣ opening bid

The 1♣ opening bid is the cornerstone of the system. It shows ~15+ HCP (~17+ HCP in 3rd/4th POS). We tend to upgrade very distributional hands, and to downgrade bad balanced hands.

The response structure is based on a negative 1♦ response and transfer canape responses. Any step that is omitted denies the actual significance of that step. E.g. 1♣ - 1♠ (4+♥, UNBAL, POS) denies the significance of 1♣ - 1♥ (4+♠, UNBAL, POS), therefore implies 0-3♠.

Response structure

Bid Meaning
1♦ Negative, 0-7HCP or 0-1CTRL, any distribution
1♥ 4+♠, UNBAL, could have longer suit, could be 3SUIT with ♥+♠+m
1♠ 4+♥, 0-3♠, UNBAL, could have longer suit Relay
1NT Any BAL, POS (4333, 4432, 5332) Relay 4+♥, 4+♠, 2SUIT or 3SUIT
2♣ 4+♦, either 1SUIT, or 3SUIT with ♣+♦+M 4+♥, 4+♦, 2SUIT 4+♠, 4+♦, 2SUIT
2♦ 6+♣, 1SUIT 6+♥, 1SUIT 6+♠, 1SUIT
2♥+ ♣ + ♦, 2SUIT 4+♥, 4+♣, 2SUIT

Higher opening bids - preempts


